The Zombie Tarot: Your Key to Surviving the Apocalypse
Just imagine it. You’re barricaded in your home with nothing but a shotgun and a shovel. The undead are clawing at your front door, and their moans are calling for your brains. Should you stay put with the lights off, or head for the hills? You’re too terrified to make any quick decisions. What are you going to do? How will you survive? Well, with The Zombie Tarot all of your zombie survival decisions can be made as easily as flipping a card.
In any situation, the Zombie Tarot can help you determine the best course of action. This deck will ensure your survival though 78 illustrated cards. These aren’t your standard Tarot cards, oh no. This deck is filled with severed limbs, cannibalistic children, and awesome weapons. Don’t know how to read Tarot cards? No problem. The Zombie Tarot also comes with a 96-page full-color instruction booklet to help you interpret and conduct a proper Zombie Tarot reading.
The Zombie Tarot is created by Stacy Graham and Paul Kepple, and is available through Quirk Books. This Tarot deck is definitely one-of-a-kind. We don’t know what we love more; the creepy illustrations on the cards or the easy instruction manual. ”Horror fans are certainly a little twisted,” creator Stacy Graham boasts “but they also have a great sense of humor–and there is a lot of that in the Zombie Tarot.” There certainly is. After all, the ‘Knight of Cups’ illustration is a zombie surfing while eating some brains. You can’t get any more twisted than that.
This is the perfect gift for your favorite zombie enthusiast. Don’t delay! The Zombie Tarot is just what you need to fight off the zombie horde! If you’re a fan of the zombie genre, or you dabble in the Tarot–we think you should definitely pick this up. If you pull this deck out at your next apocalypse-preparedness drill…you will totally impress all of your fellow zombie brethren.
[via Quirkbooks]