Huge Sci-Fi Trivia Night Fundraiser Coming To Shreveport

This October, Shreveport-Bossier area geeks will have a chance to get together for some socially distanced fun, for a good reason.
Saturday, October 17th, geeks across the area will be able to participate in the biggest geek event of the month...the Virtual Sci-Fi Trivia Night! Coastal Connection has brought together Origin Bank, CHRISTUS Health, and Geek'd Con to help support the Food Bank of Northwest Louisiana. Here's how it works:
"Participants in this fun event will let their imaginations run wild choosing a team name, creating costumes, decorating their personal locations, and testing their Sci-Fi knowledge for this “far-out” event. Sign on for the event is 6:30 pm, costume and decoration judging at 6:45 pm, and trivia begins at 7:00 pm. Best costume, decorations, team name will win awards as will high scoring teams for the evening!"
Here's what you need for your team:
- 8 to 10 People
- Costumes and Cosplay
- Decorations For Personal Trivia Area
You can get your team signed up here. This is a huge opportunity for businesses, social organizations, fraternities & sororities, school groups, bands, or just groups of friends. Not only could this fantastic event serve as a team-building exercise, or just some much needed fun with friends.
Plus, this is all happening for a really good cause. Everyone has been touched in some way by the circumstances of 2020. More families are showing up to food banks than ever before, many for the first time. All proceeds go to the Food Bank of Northwest Louisiana's backpack program. Chronically hungry children are provided with a backpack of food to take home for the weekend and holidays. Each 7-10 pound weekly bag includes items such as granola bars, fruit juice and pop top canned food. These bags will be sent home with students through combined efforts of teachers and food bank.
Geeks in our area have been craving local geeky events, since COVID has led to a cancelation of events like Geek'd Con this year. Which is why Geek'd Con is so excited to be a part of this phenomenal fundraising event.
Find more details on the Virtual Sci-Fi Trivia Night right here.
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