What Marvel MCU Movie Does the Ark-La-Tex Love? [Vote]
Geeks have officially taken over. Just take a look at the records at the Box Office, the shelves in your local store, or any social media feed. One of the biggest contributors to the geek takeover are the comic book movies that have been flooding theaters for the last two decades.
The leaders of those films belong to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, or MCU. These films are under the Marvel Studios umbrella, and do not include all Marvel Comics movies. Films produced by companies like Fox Studios do not fall into the MCU. The popular films not produced by Marvel Studios include the X-Men titles, the original Spider-Man trilogy, and the Blade movies.
The MCU started in 2008 with the film Iron Man, and will be continuing into it's fourth phase after the upcoming Avengers: Endgame movie.
That upcoming Endgame film will likely close out the first real chapter in the MCU that we've come to love. Characters, and the actors who have brought them to life, are expected to exit their franchises.
So with an end on the horizon, we thought it would be a good time to look back on the MCU, and try to figure out which ones we love the most. So we decided to ask, which MCU movies does the Ark-La-Tex love?
You can pick three movies when you vote, so if you have trouble trying to pick your favorite, you've got some slack. So cast your vote, and we'll bring everyone the results before Avengers: Endgame is released: [CLICK HERE TO VOTE]