What If Shreveport Was Turned Into Westeros From Game of Thrones?
Game of Thrones is the most popular show on TV right now, by far. Sadly though, it's coming to a close. This weekend will feature the second-to-last episode of the epic series.
If you're not familiar with the show, or the books that spawned the series, it's a fantasy epic that essentially mixes the grit and seriousness of Breaking Bad with the lore of Lord of the Rings, with cinematography that makes James Cameron's work look like home movies.
Without getting into too much about the show, it takes place across the "Seven Kingdoms" of Westeros, a fictional land that really has no "real life" basis. Though there have been a lot of comparisons to European counties, the geographical makeup of Westeros doesn't match the layout of Europe, and especially the countries often used as references.
So we decided if they're going to adjust the Westeros map for European countries, why not do it for the Shreveport area? But instead of forcing countries into the Seven Kingdoms regardless of geography, we just placed the Westeros map over top of the Shreveport map, and let the chips fall where they may...
How about we breakdown each of the Seven Kingdoms and see if they match the regions of Shreveport they're placed on. We'll use the Game of Thrones Wiki breakdowns for each part of the map. Let's start at the top, which is North of The Wall...
"Beyond the Wall is a generic term employed by the people of the Seven Kingdoms to refer to the large area of Westeros that lies north of the Wall. It is the only part of the continent that is not part of the realm, and thus the only place where particular attention is given to the difference between "Westeros" (the continent), and "the Seven Kingdoms" (the realm to the south of the Wall ruled by the Iron Throne).
It is inhabited by tribes that refer to themselves as the "Free Folk", known by the people of the Seven Kingdoms as wildlings. The wildlings themselves are not politically unified but consist of numerous and diverse groups. Many are semi-nomadic hunters, due to the impracticality of agriculture in the far north. Some wildlings are little more than savage and primitive raiders, but other groups live in small settled communities and villages.
The Free Folk sometimes refer to these lands as "the real North", because they are actually located north of the northernmost of the Seven Kingdoms, which is named simply "The North" - and they think it odd to say that "the north" is south of where they live."
"The modern Northmen continue to practice much of the culture of the First Men and uphold their values, as the Kingdom of the North was the only kingdom not to fall to the Andal invaders. As such, their culture, much like that of the Ironborn and the Dornishmen, is very distinct from the rest of Westeros.
Chivalry is practiced little in the North, with few warriors having been formally anointed as knights. Northern warriors hold onto their own ideas of honor and virtue separate from the knighthood brought over by the Andals. A common belief expressed by Eddard Stark is that "the man who passes the sentence should swing the sword," referring to how Northern lords execute prisoners on their own, and do not rely on a headsman to deliver their justice. Northern warriors are, in general, much more brutish and fearsome than their southern counterparts.
Because of their isolation from the southern kingdoms in large part due to the immense size of the North, the Northerners are very loyal to their own, something that Jon Snow states is in fact similar to the Free Folk, who only follow various chieftains of their own and occasionally their own King-Beyond-the-Wall.
The Northmen continue to hold onto the traditions of their Old Way"
"It sits at the point where the Red Fork of the Trident River is joined by its major tributary, the Tumblestone River flowing out of the west. In times of danger, sluice gates can be opened to flood a channel cut to the west of the castle, turning Riverrun into an island. Its walls rise sheer from the waters and its towers command the opposite shores, making assaulting it almost impossible without huge casualties.
Riverrun is the seat of House Tully, the Lord Paramounts of the Trident and the Riverlands. It was built as an island fortress by Axel Tully. Prior to the War of the Five Kings, Lord Hoster Tully is the Lord of Riverrun. Petyr Baelish recalls being fostered at Riverrun during his childhood and being enamored by its high walls."
"The Kingdom of Mountain and Vale was one of the independent kingdoms established in the continent of Westeros prior to the War of Conquest. During the time the First Men controlled the continent, the dynasty of the Mountain Kings ruled the Vale from their stronghold, the Eyrie. However, the last First Men ruler of the Vale, the Griffin King, lost the Vale to Ser Artys Arryn, one of the leading figures of the Andal Invasion. Ser Artys was declared King of the Mountain and the Vale and founded House Arryn, a line of Andal nobility that ruled the Vale until the invasion of Aegon the Conqueror.
At the time of the Targaryen Conquest, the last King of the Mountain and the Vale was a young boy, Ronnel Arryn, so the Vale was ruled on his behalf by his mother, Queen Regent Sharra Arryn. Ultimately Visenya Targaryen flew over the guarded mountain passes on her dragon, Vhagar, directly to the Eyrie. Visenya did not burn the castle, and when the young King Ronnel came out to meet her in the courtyard he asked if she would give him a ride on her dragon, and she agreed. When Sharra arrived and saw her son in Visenya's lap on the dragon, the implicit threat was enough to make her surrender the castle."
"The Iron Islands form part of the Kingdom of the Iron Islands. It had previously formed one of the nine constituent regions of Westeros. They are a group of seven small rocky islands clustered far off the western coast of the mainland of the continent, in Ironman's Bay. The Iron Islands are ruled from Pyke by House Greyjoy.
They are the smallest and among the least-populous of the regions of Westeros, but the naval skills of their population are unmatched and they enjoy great mobility due to their ships. The people of the Iron Islands, the ironborn, have a unique culture centered on maritime raiding and pillaging other peoples. However, they were forced to stop these practices when they were conquered by the Targaryens, or at least, to stop raiding shipping around Westeros itself."
"The Kingdom of the Rock was one of the independent kingdoms of Westeros until the War of Conquest. It was founded during the time of the First Men by House Casterly, the builders of Casterly Rock.
Following the Andal Invasion, the Kingdom of the Rock came to be ruled by House Lannister, who descended from the Andal invaders and, through the female bloodline, the mythic Lann the Clever who, according to legend, swindled Casterly Rock from the Casterlys during the days of the First Men. The Lannisters ruled as Kings of the Rock until Aegon the Conqueror invaded Westeros. King Loren Lannister joined forces with Mern Gardener, King of the Reach, to wage war against the invaders. However, their forces were obliterated in the Field of Fire. While Mern perished, King Loren submitted to Aegon and the Kingdom of the Rock became the the Westerlands, one of the constituent regions of the unified Seven Kingdoms."
"The Crownlands is one of the nine constituent regions of the Seven Kingdoms. Instead of being ruled by a Lord Paramount, the Crownlands are ruled directly by the monarch on the Iron Throne from the city of King's Landing, the largest city in Westeros and the capital of the Seven Kingdoms.
The Crownlands were never a sovereign nation, instead being contested between the Riverlands, the Stormlands, and other regions for thousands of years until Aegon the Conqueror seized control of the area during his invasion and made it his primary foothold on the continent, three centuries before the death of King Robert Baratheon. It is therefore the newest of the regions in Westeros, and as a result, does not have much of a distinct "cultural identity", so much as it is shaped by its distinction as the region containing the capital city."
"The Kingdom of the Reach was one of the independent kingdoms of Westeros until the War of Conquest. It was founded during the time of the First Men by Garth Greenhand, the first King of the Reach, who was said to have the ability to make the land bloom.
Following the Andal Invasion, the Kingdom of the Reach came to be dominated by Andal culture, though the Gardener dynasty remained in power. The Kingdom of the Reach fell when Aegon the Conqueror defeated the last Gardener King, Mern IX, in the Field of Fire. The Reach fell under the authority of the Iron Throne and House Tyrell replaced the extinct Gardeners as rulers of the Reach."
"The Kingdom of the Stormlands was one of the independent kingdoms of Westeros until the War of Conquest. It was founded during the time of the First Men by Durran Godsgrief, the first Storm King, who was said to have taken Elenei, daughter of the god of the sea and the goddess of the wind, as wife and to have built the formidable castle of Storm's End.
During these centuries the Kingdom of the Stormlands was the largest and most powerful realm in Westeros. Some three generations before the Targaryen Conquest, however, the Kingdom of the Stormlands entered into a decline. The Storm Kings had over-expanded, and their conquered possessions had too many hostile borders, including perpetual border skirmishes with the Dornishmen to the south in the Dornish Marches, and conflicts to the west with the Kingdom of the Reach, ruled by House Gardener. Yet the greatest threat to the Storm Kings came from the ironborn to the northwest, ruled by House Hoare. In a great wave of expansion, Harren Hoare's grandfather conquered the Riverlands from the Storm Kings. Harren himself, known as Harren the Black, became a cruel and powerful tyrant, who enthralled the Rivermen and forced them to toil away for years on construction of the largest castle ever built, Harrenhal, to secure the ironborn conquests."
"The Principality of Dorne was an independent principality in Westeros. It was founded during Nymeria's War by Mors Martell and Nymeria. During the War of Conquest, the Principality of Dorne remained unconquered and independent of the Targaryens. During the Conquest of Dorne, the Principality of Dorne was invaded again by the Targaryens. Dorne was conquered and occupied for four years. During the occupation, a Dornish insurgency fought against the invaders and four years later the Principality of Dorne was restored.
A few decades later (a little over a century before the War of the Five Kings), King Daeron II the Good managed to finally unite Dorne with the Iron Throne - not through conquest, but by voluntary marriage-alliance on equal terms. Daeron II married the sister of the Prince of Dorne, and the Prince of Dorne married Daeron II's sister. This special, semi-autonomous status allowed Dorne to retain several special privileges, such as the Martells continuing to style themselves as "Prince" or "Princess" instead of "Lord Paramount"
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