Want A Shreveport Mudbugs Puck Wars Jersey?
A weekend mixed with Star War and hockey fun is coming to Shreveport!
The Shreveport Mudbugs are have teamed up with Shreveport's comic con, Geek'd Con, for their Puck Wars weekend. This Star Wars themed weekend of hockey will be March 6th and 7th at George's Pond at Hirsch Coliseum. It will be a Friday and Saturday night pairing of games. Ticket info can be found here.
There is going to be a lot of fun and excitement with these games. Including your chance to dress up as your favorite Star Wars character! There will be on-ice cosplay contests, drawings, games, and more!
You might even win one of these exclusive Funko Pop! figures:
You'll also be able to win tickets to Geek'd Con 2020, Geek'd Con shirts, and the first 50 kids out the each game will get a Geek'd Con bag!
Want to get your hands on one of these sweet vader jerseys that will be worn by players during the weekend? Then make sure to be at Saturday's game, because at the end of Saturday's game, they will be auctioned off for charity.
You will also be able to buy replica hoodie versions at the games.
Geek'd Con will also be making guest announcements for the 2020 show. Those will exclusive announcements about celebrity guests that will be coming to Shreveport's comic con this August. Everyone at the games that weekend will be the first to learn about those announcements!
These will be big games, and a lot of fun for everyone in the family. You can get tickets here:
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