‘Saturday Night Live’ Feels the Bern as Bernie Sanders Appears on the Show
This season Saturday Night Live has seen presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump stop by for skits and hosting duties alike. Last night, however, the long-running comedy sketch show on NBC was feeling the Bern.
Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders stopped by SNL on Saturday February 6 where he appeared in a sketch alongside comedian (and professional Sanders impersonator, obviously) Larry David, who has hosting duties. In the skit, the two men play immigrants on a ship headed to America. As the vessel becomes distressed, David's character begins complaining about putting the women and children in the lifeboat first, obnoxiously claiming that he comes from a wealthy background and that his "life is worth more than all of yours put together."
That's when Sanders comes in (wearing an early 20th century snap brim cap) to save the day. "I'm so sick of the 1 percent getting this preferential treatment. Enough is enough—we need to unite and work together if we're going to get through this," he growls, to which David replies that sounds like socialism. "De-mo-cra-tic socialism. Huge difference," Sanders corrects. The Vermont Senator also makes fun of his Jewish heritage, his character claiming that he'll change his last name, "Sanderswitzky," when he arrives in America so "it doesn't sound so Jewish."
While the steam ship sketch is the only one Sanders takes part in during the episode, his presence is felt in another. In a pre-taped sketch called "Bern Your Enthusiasm," David plays Sanders in a skit where the Senator loses the Iowa vote by being curmudgeonly and gruff. Where Sanders ends and David begins, we'll never know.
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