WWE Prediction From November Will Come True At Wrestlemania
It's Wrestlemania week, and that means a lot of pro wrestling talk is on the way. Especially since Mania is coming to our backyard.
In case you've been in a coma for the last year, Wrestlemania 34 will be at the Superdome in New Orleans. Which means plenty of folks from the Ark-La-Tex will be making our way down. It also means we've had an eye on Wrestlemania story lines for a few months.
In face, looking over some of our stories from the last couple months, you'll find some interesting items. Including lists of best matches from stars, new signings, the economic impact, and the amazing speed that WWE has returned to New Orleans. But maybe the biggest was a post about the return of Daniel Bryan.
Bryan is one of the biggest stars of the last decade inside the WWE. He's a fan favorite, and had one of the most incredible Wrestlemania moments ever in New Orleans, at Wrestlemania 30...
A couple years ago, Daniel Bryan was unfortunately forced retire due to concerns over the concussions he's sustained over his career. But its been rumored for some times that Bryan could find a way back into the ring.
Late last year, one of our writers, Puff, put together a story suggesting that Bryan was not only about to be cleared, but that he would return to the ring at Wrestlemania 34 in New Orleans. Fast forward a few months, and it's been announced that Bryan is cleared for action, and has a match set up at Mania!
New Orleans and Daniel Bryan will forever be tied together after this. More that possibly any wrestler and city since the territory days of the 70s and 80s.