Video Suggests Proof that Calvin Ridley Was ‘Throwing’ Games
You don't have to work too hard to convince fans of the New Orleans Saints that the NFL has an agenda. The Saints have been on the bad side of so many bad calls at important times during pivotal games that it's almost laughable some of the calls the team didn't get.
And while we the bloodied and bruised fans of the Black and Gold have learned to temper our disdain for NFL Referees and their lack of vision and NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell for his minimal testicles and blatant dislike for the Saints, our team still shows up on Sunday.
Not only do they show up on Sunday they play hard on Sunday and I don't think I've ever felt the team lost a game because of lack of effort. In other words, Saints players play to win the game.
Yesterday the news broke that Atlanta Falcons wide receiver Calvin Ridley had been suspended for the 2022 NFL Season. Apparently the NFL caught wind that Ridley had placed wagers on NFL games. That's something the league is adamant that players do not do. It's reviewed at the beginning of every season with every team and every player. The rule is quite simply don't bet on football.
The reason the NFL doesn't want players making wagers on the games is the fact that it could be misconstrued that players with money on the line might "tank" or "not play as hard" or just flat out give up the game in order to collect their winnings at the pay window.
Allegations have now surfaced in video form that perhaps Calvin Ridley was doing just that. You watch the video and you tell me what you see.
We'll apologize for the "slur" Twitter user @BEEHIGHB chose to use at the top of that tweet but quite frankly the video is damning enough to support his claims that perhaps Ridley was involved with Vegas or at least playing for a personal win and not the teams win.
Maybe that's why the Falcons kept finding ways to lose in recent years. As much as I despise Atlanta and the Home Depot franchise, they are a talented team and I was amazed at how many times over the past few seasons they've found ways to not win at the end.
Now, I don't know if Calvin Ridley was on the field for all of those but if he was maybe there needs to be a deeper dive into this kind of behavior and perhaps the league should use a "further review" to protect its integrity.
I am not saying guilty or not guilty. I am saying watch the video and you decide.
Cheating in any sport should not be allowed even if your Tom Brady but maybe, just maybe there is some under the table activity happening that we the fans who love the game need to know about. Who knows maybe these millionaires need a few bucks more to buy stuff. You know, like this stuff.
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