This would be equivalent to a Shreveporter driving to Waskom and getting a ticket for not having a license plate on the front.

It doesn't take a lawyer to understand basic laws when it comes to the roadway. I'm talking super basic. For instance, you have to wear your seatbelt while driving, no matter what state. You also must have car insurance to operate a motor vehicle, no matter what state. This should go without saying, but you also must have a valid drivers license to operate a motor vehicle, no matter what state.

I feel like these three are common knowledge, and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand those three laws. For the remainder of this article, we'll focus on the latter of those three.

Yes, you do have to have a drivers license to drive on a public roadway in America. You know this, I'm sure. I bet you even know the answer to this next question, even if you're a hermit and have never once driven outside of the Louisiana.

If you travel outside of the state, do you have to get a state-issued driver's license for the state you're traveling to or through?

The answer is, of course, absolutely not. That would be ridiculous and absurd, and surely no one on the planet could possibly believe the answer is yes. Honestly, can you imagine how silly it would be if anyone actually thought they had to get a state issued drivers license for every state they enter? Ludicrous, but I bet you see where this is going.

A police officer in Texas has gone viral after proving to a driver, and the rest of the world thanks to TikTok, that she knows very little about the law she enforces. To be honest, her horrible attitude probably didn't help things either. In the TikTok, we see a female cop berating a driver in Texas for not possessing a Texas-issued driver's license. According to Texas law, all out-of-state driver’s licenses are allowed to operate vehicles in all states, and in Texas, a license from Mexico is absolutely valid as well.

However, this Texas cop did not get that memo. Here's the video!


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