Remember When WWE’s Monday Night Raw Was On Strike?
Of all of the Monday Night Raw memories WWE has been rolling out for their 25th Anniversary, I've noticed this didn't get much love. But I'm here to fix that.
Now, this happened on October 10th of 2010, during my "dark period". Wait, what's a "dark period" you say? I've found a lot of wrestling fans experience a dark period in their life, where other things take over their lives. Careers, relationships, college, kids, and other life-changing events lead to people taking time off the product.
So I wasn't watching when this went down, and I can't appreciate it from that standpoint. But I feel like I had more of an advantage watching it, knowing what I know now about all of those involved. Imagine what you know of CM Punk and Triple H today, then go watch this. It's amazing.
Just watch it for yourself, and realize just how great this moment was, even if it's not making a lot of "Top" Raw lists...
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