Miles Expresses Disgust With Death Threat Against LSU Quarterback
College football is a game that is played by young men who are not paid, other than scholarships in some cases, to represent their schools in athletic competition. For many fans around the country NCAA Football is far more serious than a game. It's a matter of life and death. The death part is what has really raised the ire of LSU Head Football Coach Les Miles.
If you're not aware there was an alleged death threat made via the social media network Twitter following the LSU season opening loss to the University of Wisconsin. That threat was made on the life of then LSU starting quarterback Brandon Harris.
Speaking in his regular weekly press conference Miles addressed the situation and how it's being handled by the university and law enforcement.
I only pray it's a person who doesn't know what he's saying, quite, meaning it in a pretty mundane and insincere way. Hopefully something like that will never happen. In the same vein, you run it down. Whatever information you have, whoever signed off on it, whatever that social media address is, let's give it to somebody that can legally go pursue. It's unconscionable someone would do that.
As far as how the threat has affected the student athlete Coach Miles told the media that he had discussed the situation with Harris. The coach said that Harris had not seen the tweet which has since been removed from the social media site. Coach Miles said that Harris and the rest of the LSU football team have remained steadfastly focused on the upcoming game with Auburn this Saturday evening.
Football games are awfully important to football coaches and plays and fans that go to the game, but if a weekly death threat is something you are into, you're making the wrong decisions.
Amen Coach, Amen. It's certainly your right to cheer for the team of your choice. It is not your right to be a total jack-wagon when your team doesn't win. It's a shame that one such individual has now cast an unfavorable light on some of the best fans in college football.
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