Best Marching Band in the Ark-La-Tex Winner!
For two weeks, we have been asking for help in locating the Baddest, Most popular, and all around cream of the Ark-La-Tex marching band crop. After almost 50,000 votes were cast, we have a winner! Congratulations to the Haughton High School Big Red Buccaneer Band! After receiving 10,821 votes in the final round of voting, HHS narrowly defeated the Big Bad Band from Rabbit Land out of Atlanta, Texas! The Atlanta Rabbits garnered 10,757 votes by midnight last night. The margin of victory for Haughton was a mere 64 votes!
The great news for everyone is this: Every one of these marching bands has an army of supporters whose number dwarfs the number of current members. If you a part of one of these amazing organizations - count yourself lucky. The amount of former members, boosters, parents, and straight up band fans that have your back is astounding - that much has been proven beyond the shadow of a doubt!
Check out the final results:
The next time you have the chance, stand up and cheer extra loud for the crisp lines, smooth movements, and inspiring music that is pouring out of these kids hearts for you. And, if you happen to be playing against Haughton this year - make sure you congratulate their band.
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