Residents of 3 Texas Cities Have Big Potty Mouths
Residents in many U.S. cities have potty mouths, but a few Texas cities land on the Preply list of the worst swearers in the country.
Believe it or not, but we swear on average, 21 times a day.
Millennials and Gen Z folks swear more than baby boomers who only use 10 curse words a day.
I’m surprise by the gender report in this study. Women swear almost as much as men, hurling at least 18 swear words a day compared to 22 for the guys.
This report says 55% of us admit to swearing at home and only 7% say they curse while driving. I really think that number is low. But maybe I’m speaking for myself.
What Causes Us To Swear?
Most admit they typically spew curse words at themselves (54%) while 23% of us curse at friends and 7% spew some dirty words at our significant others. We will typically curse if we are frustrated or in pain.
On the list of the biggest potty mouthed cities, Dallas is #4 with 25 swear words a day. Fort Worth lands at #5 on the list. Residents swear an average of 24 times a day. Austin also makes the list at #7 with 21 swear words a day.
The #1 potty mouth city is Columbus, Ohio where residents curse at least 36 times a day.
Las Vegas, Nevada residents are a close second. They swear an average of 30 times per day. The 3rd place city is Jacksonville, Florida, where folks swear an average of 28 times a day.
El Paso, Houston and San Antonio are on the list of cities swearing the least. Residents of these cities swear fewer than 20 times a day.
What Are Favorite Swear Word Substitutes?
- Fudge/fudgesicle
- Shoot
- Frick/frickin’
- Crap
- Dang
- Heck
- Darn/darn it
- Holy cow
- Dang/dang it
- Freaking