FlopHouze - Shipping Container Hotel in Texas

This is one of the most unique hotels you will ever visit.

Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins


Tiny houses are a huge thing right now. There are a lot of people who love the idea of living in a compact space that takes advantage of every inch. They usually include hidden amenities, clever storage space, and interesting lighting. But the tiny house craze has a subset to it. Because there are stick built tiny houses, and tiny houses made from other objects. Most commonly, shipping containers.

These shipping container homes are generally made of units called isotainers. They are large metal containers used for intermodal freight transport. You generally see them on ships, trains, and semitrailers. They come in multiple different sizes, but some commonly they are 48 feet and 53 feet in the United States. There are refrigerated versions too, and these are often used in shipping container architecture.

Just about 5 hours from the Shreveport city limits is the next evolution of the shipping container home. This is a shipping container hotel.

The facility is in Round Top, Texas, just west of Houston. It's called FlopHouze Hotel, and it features multiple shipping container 'hotel rooms' on the property. Their "fleet" offers 6 shipping containers available for overnight stays. Here's how they describe House 1 on their site:

"This unit will sleep 2 comfortably. There is a beautiful queen size bed at one end and a full sized couch in the living area.  An efficient Hollywood bathroom separates the space. The kitchenette features a sink, microwave, mini fridge and a Chemex coffee maker for the morning get up an goers!"

House 1 starts at $175 a night, which is the price tag for half of the houses, the other half start at $200. You can get booking info here.

Now if you're thinking of taking a large group out there, and you've got someone that's super picky, and you KNOW won't stay in a shipping container, they do have "regular" homes for rent on the property too. You can get more details on their Facebook page.

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Gallery Credit: Credit: Canva


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