Shreveport’s Empty Millennium Studios Could Soon Be Busy Again
Remember when Shreveport was called "Hollywood South?" For a while there we were really hopping with films like Olympus Has Fallen, The Guardian and Interview With the Vampire and dozens of others all being filmed in the Ark-La-Tex.
But since the first decade of the century ended, the area's once burgeoning movie business has fallen on hard times. And perhaps the final nail in the coffin was the closing of the 70,000 square foot Millennium Studios in 2016.
But brighter days may be ahead. In mid-December the Shreveport City Council approved $3.8 million for the purchase of the facility by the city. And Thursday, Mayor Adrian Perkins announced that an animation and digital effects company will launch a new studio at the Millennium location.
The company, Troubled Muse will create original digital content for television and feature films, including animation, visual effects and motion capture.
At a news conference, the Mayor said that the company will create original digital content for television and feature films and will bring 200 new and high-paying jobs to the city.
In a KTAL TV story, Perkins says, “I’m proud to announce today that the City of Shreveport is ready for a resurgence in our film industry, with the purchase of Millennium Studios."
And KSLA TV also quotes the Mayor, "Economic development is our goal. We want to bring good jobs to the city that are going to pay people livable wages and we know the movie industry allows us to do that. Today is a huge day for us and my team. We’re going to continue to work to provide those opportunities for our citizens.”
But Troubled Muse won't be the only ones in the downtown building. Other tenants planning to share the facility will include Shreveport Regional Arts Council and Southern University - Shreveport.
Production at Millennium is expected to be in operation in about six months.