Science Has Determined How Much Money it Takes to Make you Happy
Science has delivered once again! Psychologists from Purdue University have studied it out and finally nailed down one of the great mysteries of life. Long has the assumption that money can not buy happiness been generally accepted as truth. The sad fact about being happy is that money is somewhat required.
First off - it's not really the money per se, it's more the necessities of life that money brings that affect your level of happiness. Security, shelter, food, clothes - they aren't exactly handing that stuff out for free these days, and the days of wandering out into the woods and building a log cabin with your bare hands in order to stake your claim are long gone. So, you need to make a bit of money to survive in this world - even if your needs are spartan and eschew costly modern conveniences like internet access or toilet paper.
The report compiled, crunched, and analyzed data from folks in 164 countries to find a "income satiation" point - basically the point where more money won't make you any happier. Of course, this number fluctuates depending upon where you live. In the good old United States of America, bringing in an annual income of $105,000 will put you at the satiation point. Theoretically, a six digit income would isolate you from utility disconnection, car repossession, the mental challenge of trying to make a meal for your family with a box of yellow cake mix and a can of green beans, and other soul crushing events common to the poor - and that should make you happier. Beyond that, the report showed that folks that could afford services like housekeeping and laundry were able to spend more time on themselves, which in turn made them happier. FYI, the average American yearly income is less than $60,000.
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