Makers of Pokemon Go to Launch Harry Potter AR Game
Pokemon Go launched in July of last year and the world lost it's collective mind. The so-called "augmented reality" game placed our favorite Pokemon in the real world for us to catch using the camera on our phones and some pretty innovative technology. That technology is much bigger than Pokemon Go, and now Niantic (the company that brought us the biggest mobile game of 2016) is getting ready to launch a new game that will push augmented reality to new frontiers.
Though no release date has been made public yet, Harry Potter: Wizards Unite is nearing the end of development and should be available soon. According to the website:
Harry Potter: Wizards Unite uses state-of-the-art augmented reality technology to reveal the magic all around us. Explore real-world neighbourhoods and cities to discover mysterious artifacts, learn to cast spells, and encounter legendary beasts and iconic characters along the way!!"
Very few details beyond that are available, but you can bet that Potter-Heads around the world will soon be casting spells and crafting potions inside their phones 24/7.