Haughton Church to Hold Youth Fishing Tournament
The 2017 Bassmaster Classic is now in the record books and a huge congratulations to 25 year old Jordan Lee on his win. Let that sink in for a minute. He's 25 years old and is the new reigning World Champion of Bass Fishing.
Jordan was one of the first of the new crop of young fishermen. He fished on the Cullman, Alabama High School Fishing Team. From there he fished for the Auburn University Fishing Team. And today, less than 24 hours later, he's the best bass fisherman on the planet.
And who knows? We might have a future World Champion in our midst here in Northwest Louisiana? We'll never know if Moms and Dads don't help fuel that passion. With that in mind, maybe you'll want to take advantage of this great opportunity.
Pease Chapel Assembly of God in Haughton is having a youth fishing tournament, this Saturday, April 1, at Lake Ivan. This one is designed for kids from 5 to 16, both boys and girls. Registration will begin at 7:00 am and kids will fish from 8:00 am until 12 noon.
It will be divided into 3 different age groups and prizes will be given for each group. Additionally, the church will be selling refreshments and helping spread the word of God.
All proceeds will go to the Pease Chapel Assembly of God youth ministry and Royal Rangers program to help teach the young about God.
For more information just see the flyer listed below.
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