Get A Sneak Peek At Raw 25 A Day Early
Pro wrestling is getting a taste of mainstream attention once again. This time, it's for the 25th Anniversary of Monday Night Raw, and it's well deserved.
A couple times a year, WWE gains mainstream attention, but nothing like it was "back in the day". This era of the WWE exists without much challenge from the outside, which means they get to skate by 90% of the time without really trying.
But they are actually trying, HARD, on this 25th anniversary show. In fact, what they've announced could be the greatest Monday Night Raw ever. Maybe even the greatest pro wrestling show ever.
From top to bottom, they've added current superstars, legends, Hall of Famers, and celebrity fans. If everything comes together the way they're advertising it, this will be a night that will be talked about for a long time. Just look at the promo preview they revealed on their Youtube today: