Brian Kelly Showcases Dance Moves In New Video With Walker Howard
Coach Brian Kelly or Coach BK as I like to call him has made a bunch of waves since becoming the LSU head football coach. But no announcement or report about Coach BK has been as hilarious and fun as this latest video with LSU recruit Walker Howard. Howard an incoming freshman tweeted Sunday night a video with Coach Brian Kelly stating "I got my coach".
Glad to see the super talented incoming freshman excited about his coach. However, I'd be remised not to mention BK's hilarious dance moves. Hopefully, as Coach spends his time in Louisiana some of our amazing dance moves can rub off on him.
Social Media's Reaction To Coach Brian Kelly's Dance Moves
I'm just glad Coach BK gave the okay to put this out. That shows to me he's a good sport. Now hopefully we can get him to griddy or two-step in the future.
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