Vinyl Has Officially Outsold CDs for the First Time Since the 1980s
They say history repeats itself, and that certainly holds true with music trends. Vinyl records have officially outsold CDs for the first time since the 1980s, according to the RIAA's mid-year report for 2020.
Interestingly enough, vinyl records actually made up for more than half of all physical music sales. Of the $376 million in physical revenues, 62 percent was in vinyl, making it the leading source of tangible listening for the first time in over three decades.
Vinyl sales were up in the first quarter, but went back down in the second quarter, which can be correlated with the impact of COVID-19 and the closure of retail stores. Overall, there was a four percent increase in sales for the format. Streaming, on the other hand, had a 12 percent increase during the first half of the year.
Billboard noted that August's 2020 Record Store Day resulted in a spike in U.S. vinyl sales as well, so stay tuned for the year-end statistics to see how the second half of 2020 compares to the first. The Tastemakers albums chart lists Metallica's S&M2 as the fourth highest-selling vinyl album at indie and small-chain stores. Record Store Day will also continue on Sept. 26 and Oct. 24.
Old trends making their way back into modern times is cool and all, but we just ask that we don't bring back the neon spandex pants, too.
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