The Easter weekend is here and my good friend Dale Speir sent an article to me that I think you will enjoy.

Dale works in the Medical Business and also writes for the Methvin News. We play music together with the Red River Live Band. Dale is the lead singer and I play bass guitar.


Methvin News/Dale Speir

A patient recently told me, concerning someone they knew that had passed away, “I know that he went to church, but I don’t think he went to Heaven. He did so many bad things in his life that I just can’t believe God forgave him for it.”

He then made the mistake of asking me my opinion of the matter. This man is a Christian, and I carefully responded to his question by asking, “Do you believe there is any sin so bad that the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross isn’t enough to pay for it”?

He looked at me sort of funny and said “What do you mean”?

He agreed when I said “We know the crucifixion was a horrible thing”. I explained “Jesus died so people could be forgiven. Knowing this, and how horrible the crucifixion was, do you still think there is a sin so bad that his sacrifice just isn’t enough to take care of it”?

He said “Well, since you put it that way, I guess not”. We both agreed to leave the forgiveness of sins to the one that is able to do so.

I’ve found the more I look in the mirror and allow myself to see my own faults; it’s a lot easier for me to forgive others of theirs. This is a difficult life lesson I’ve learned. Actually, it’s impossible to learn this lesson, unless we are willing to look in the mirror and be honest about what we see. I think that was what Jesus was trying to get the Pharisees to understand when he spoke to them about their efforts in trying to get a splinter out of someone else’s eye, when they had a great big log in their own.

We are all human beings, with faults, in need of forgiveness. It doesn’t really matter what denomination or church affiliation one prefers. It takes the same God, and the same sacrifice, to forgive us all.

It’s great to know “No matter what we’ve done; the sacrifice of Jesus Christ was --- and still is enough to take care of it”.

Happy Easter

Watch the video by Los Lonely Boys - 'Heaven'

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