A couple weeks ago, we asked what our area's favorite Marvel movies from the MCU were. Now the votes are counted, and we're ready to reveal the results...
With 'The Expendables 3' uniting some of the familiar teammates with new blood to tackle Mel Gibson's Conrad Stonebanks (yes, that is his name) on August 15, none seem more excited for the action to come than your favorite NBA players. They've even banded together to form their own 'Expendables'-like crew for an action-packed spoof video, 'The Relativityavengerables.' It's a tongue twister.
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Joss Whedon's 'The Avengers 2,' titled 'Age of Ultron,' is the most-anticipated film of summer 2015 -- aside from Zack Snyder's 'Batman vs. Superman,' of course. Production on the sequel is set to kick off in 2014, and you could be there in person to witness the action firsthand.
One of the breakout stars of 'The Avengers' was Mark Ruffalo and his turn as the Hulk. He was the third actor to take on the role, but between the actor and Joss Whedon's writing and directing, the character finally clicked. After the release, many people mentioned wanting a new Hulk movie, but if that comes to pass it's going to be a long wait.
There’s no question — ‘The Avengers‘ is one of the biggest blockbuster hits to ever come out in theaters and nobody expected it to be as popular as it was. Fans went in droves and the film broke box office records left and right and it’s still going strong. How strong? How about $600 million domestic strong?