Shreveport Council Turns Down Tighter Gun Measure
After a lengthy and passionate debate, the Shreveport City Council turns down a measure that would tighten the gun laws in the city. The ordinance being pushed by Council members John Nickelson and Jerry Bowman did not win support from any other members of the panel.
Mayor Adrian Perkins also urged the council to pass this measure as one small step to try to curb gun violence in our community.
This ordinance would have made it a misdemeanor to leave a handgun in an unlocked car during overnight hours.
The measure failed on a 5-2 vote. Nickelson says 90% of violent crimes in our community are committed with illegal guns. He says more than 500 guns were stolen from cars in Shreveport last year. He says this is a critical problem and his proposal could make a small impact.
But other council members say they would much rather support an aggressive PSA campaign urging residents to lock their cars before taking this next step. Councilman James Green says this measure has the possibility of punishing law abiding citizens who accidentally leave a gun in an unlocked car.
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