Louisiana’s ‘Shot for $100′ Vaccine Campaign Has Been Extended
As of October 31st, 2021, Our World Data indicates that nearly 2.22 million Louisiana residents have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19. While that is an impressive number, health officials in the Sportsman's Paradise don't think it's enough. When you crunch the numbers, that comes out to about 47.7% of our population - and that still puts Louisiana near the back of the pack in regards to the rest of the country.
Louisiana isn't in last place, but we're close
While we aren't dead last in terms of the percentage of the population that have gotten all of the required shots to be "fully vaccinated," (That's 2 doses of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines - or the single dose Johnson & Johnson) we are pretty close. Only Wyoming (43.9%), North Dakota (45.9%), West Virginia (41.0%), Idaho (43.9%), Mississippi (45.7%), and Alabama (44.8%) ranked lower than Louisiana - although we did tie with Tennessee (47.7%). In an effort to boost these numbers, officials have instituted a number of incentive programs - the most famous being the "Shot at 100," campaign.
The program that pays $100 for vaccinations has been extended
The original plan was to offer Louisiana citizens that get fully vaccinated $100 if they followed a few simple steps. They had to get vaccinated at a designated "Shot for 100," site to receive an unloaded bank card, then they had to register it online with the program. After that, a $100 credit would be loaded onto the card within 48 hours. That program was originally slated to end on Halloween, but Governor John Bel Edwards' announcement made on his official Facebook page has made it clear residents will get another month to cash in on the program.
Although this program was originally designed for college students in order to help schools open safely, it is now open to all Louisiana residents through the end of November.
Find out more and get your cash here.