Flash Gordon Star Sam J. Jones Returns To Geek’d Con In Shreveport

After having to take 2020 off, Shreveport's comic con, Geek'd Con, is back for 2021! The show's return will be August 13th-15th at the Shreveport Convention Center.
Before the pandemic, Geek'd Con had become one of the biggest pop culture events in the region. With guests like Michael Rooker, LeVar Burton, Elvira, Peter Mayhew, Chris Sarandon, and more.
For this year's Geek'd Con return, the lineup is crazy stacked. Including Alice Cooper, Jason Mewes, Peter Facinelli, Emily Swallow, and a ton more. You can see the lineup here.
Coming to Geek'd Con 2021, for Sunday August 15th, it's Sam J. Jones! That's just Sunday you might note. This appearance will only be for one day.
Sam J. Jones is best known for his iconic role of Flash Gordon in the movie of the same name. Right now, Sam is continuing his 40th Anniversary Tour of Flash Gordon, which was delayed because of the pandemic.
Flash Gordon was a moderate box office success when it was released in 1980, but gained cult icon status since. The fandom over the movie led to Sam finding his way in the Ted franchise.
Sam appeared in Ted and Ted 2 as himself, but an exaggerated version. Which sent a whole new generation to search out Flash Gordan, and reignite the movies cult status.
For this year's Geek'd Con, Sam will be appearing SUNDAY ONLY.
Get your tickets to see Sam and the rest of of the Geek'd Con lineup right here.
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History Of Geek'd Con Guests
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