Exactly How Bad Is It To Drive In Louisiana?

You know it's bad to drive in Louisiana. But how do our sky-high insurance rates and potholes that are as big as Buicks affect us in comparison to other states? Well, we're not the worst, but we're certainly not the best state to drive in either.
Let's start with the good news. Thankfully, the price of fuel in Louisiana tends to stay lower than in other parts of the country and we rank 5th when it comes to low gas prices. That's where the good news ends. Louisiana ranks 33rd overall according to a recent WalletHub.com study with regard to driving conditions in 2021. While I thought it would have been worse, it's not exactly good. That's why I always purchase the tire insurance package with my car. I wish it came with free alignments as well!
Louisiana ranks 36th when it comes to overall vehicle cost and maintenance, 25th for traffic and infrastructure, 9th for safety, and 29th for access to vehicles and maintenance. Say what? Have they seen our bridges? Our barn swallows? Have they tried crossing the river in Baton Rouge during rush hour? Clearly, no one shared their car insurance premium with them. So, do you really think Louisiana deserves to be 33rd overall? Both Texas and Arkansas roads put us to shame. And safety?!?! Have they seen our drunks? When you cross the state line, you can feel the difference. Sound off in the comments section!