There's a meme floating around social media with a beautiful picture of fall leaves changing down a winding country road with the caption saying something like, "Fall is Coming!... Not available in Louisiana."

Lagniappe Meme Company/Facebook
Lagniappe Meme Company/Facebook

Anyone who's spent any time in the Bayou State can relate.  We do get a fall season... it's just much shorter than in most places. The only season that we get for any extended period of time is mosquito season.... that one hangs around most of the year.

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So it should be no surprise that we've got 'cooler' temperatures on the way.  And when I say on the way, I mean this week.  I don't know too many places where you can go from 75 degrees to below freezing the next night.  Monday, the predicted high is 75. We're expected to reach 31 by Tuesday night.

The rest of the week calls for cooler temperatures during the day, gradually warming temperatures at night, until it gets back up to near 90 by the end of the week.  We're at our 'yoyo' time of the year. The time of the year when Claritin and Zyrtec fly off the local pharmacy shelves.  The time of the year when we go from water skiing weather to football weather, back to 'laying out' weather.

It reminds me of the famous quote usually attributed to Mark Twain, (although he never said/wrote it... turns out it was more likely a friend of Twain's, Charles Dudley Warner, an editor at the Hartford Courant, at the time)... "Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.

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