Here’s 9 Things That Make Shreveport a Better Place to Live
Having been born in Shreveport, I don't like a lot of the references that are made about my hometown, like 'Ratchet City.' I don't like it, but I understand it. If our own citizens don't change their own attitudes towards our city, how can we expect others to think better of us? How can we change the cycle that we're in?

One of the biggest problems is trying to get Shreveporters themselves to see the city in a better light. And I think we can. Luke 16:10 says "The one who is faithful in a very little thing is also faithful in much..." As a city, we aren't taking care of the little things. It isn't complicated. We need to improve our streets and roads, we need litter cleaned up, we need to address blight, and we need streetlights to work. I know it isn't easy, but it isn't complicated.
At one of the recent mayoral forums, a point was brought up that really resonated with me. A candidate brought up the correlation of the goldfish and the puppy. We keep asking for a puppy, but we keep killing the goldfish.
There are a lot of things that make it easy to rag about concerning Shreveport. Yes, there are things that need to be addressed like crime, blight, and lack of trust in our elected officials. But I also think there are a lot of things about Shreveport about which we can be proud. And in order to change attitudes about Shreveport, maybe we need to start with ourselves.
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