Have you ever witnessed something weird in the night sky? Something that didn't look like a normal airplane or satellite flying by? I honestly think most of us have, we just don't always admit it, because we're afraid of what other people might say.
I mean, last year was a wild year when it comes to UFOs.

Its very interesting that recent research shows that only 4 in 10 Americans believe in UFOs, because the US Government has now acknowledged the existence of UFOs...or as they like to call them Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena or UAPs.

In 2020, the United States Government finally officially admitted that UFOs/UAPs are real, and have been visiting Earth. They even released video footage of them. Then later in the year, a world leader in space travel doubled-down by saying that aliens are real, and that they're already here on Earth. Oh, and that our governments knows about it.


Now here in the Shreveport and Bossier area, living near an Air Force Base usually leads to a high number of UFO sightings, which we seem to have. Most of them can be explained away by civilians seeing military aircraft for the first time, or even in some cases, experimental aircraft.

However, there are some cases where the Air Force are the ones reporting UFOs. There's a history of that exact situation happening at Barksdale as far back as the 1940s. It's not just the Air Force, sometimes you have UFOs caught on weather cams too.

Now if you're excited about finding UFOs in the skies over Shreveport, there are some places you should consider...

The 6 Best Places To Watch For UFOs In The Shreveport Area

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