Zack Snyder Announces ‘Justice League’ Director’s Cut
It’s official: The Snyder Cut of Justice League is real. And now we’ll all get to see it.
That was the stunning news announced by director Zack Snyder at the end of today’s Man of Steel watch party. Snyder left Justice League during production to attend to personal matters and the movie was finished — to basically no one’s satisfaction — by Avengers writer/director Joss Whedon. Even though Snyder is the only credited director on Justice League, it is not his vision of the material — and for years, die-hard Snyder fans have insisted that his version existed and should be made available to the public.
Now it will. HBO Max announced today that the new streaming service will be the home to what’s being called Zack Snyder’s Justice League, his vision for the movie before he left the project. As Snyder succinctly put it on Twitter, “this is real”:
What we’re learning now is that technically, Snyder’s director’s cut didn’t exist all along — at least not in any kind of finished form. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the work will now begin on finishing the film to Snyder’s specifications, and it is “is currently unclear what form Snyder’s Justice League will take. Whether it will be released as an almost four-hour director’s cut or split into six "chapters" has yet to be decided, but the Snyders are now in the midst of reassembling much of their original postproduction crew to score, cut, add new and finish old visual effects, and, yes, maybe bring back many of the actors to record additional dialogue.” Their sources claim Warner Bros. is spending anywhere from $20-30 million to complete the director’s cut.
Here was Snyder’s comment on the news, via a press release:
I want to thank HBO Max and Warner Brothers for this brave gesture of supporting artists and allowing their true visions to be realized. Also a special thank you to all of those involved in the SnyderCut movement for making this a reality.
No specific date in 2021 was given for the new version of the film. HBO Max itself debuts on May 27. I imagine a lot of DC fans will be signing up after this news.
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