Townsquare Media Job Fair Slated for February 2
If this is the year you’re going to make a career change or try to get your dream job, then make plans to join us for the Townsquare Media/ Job Fair on Tuesday, February 2 at the center of Pierre Bossier Mall.
The Job Fair is huge for several reasons:
- More decisions are made to change careers in January than any other month.
- This job fair is not industry specific so you will get a blend of candidates.
- You will have the opportunity to chat with potential employers
- Pierre Bossier Mall is centrally located
- You get to hang out with the biggest & best on-air personalities in the radio world!
It’ll run from 10:00 am until 6:00 pm and it’s absolutely free to attend! You’ll have the opportunity to talk directly with employers for several different industries, so make sure to bring your resume and dress to impress!