It was just announced this week that a bill that would have raised Louisiana's current minimum wage of $7.25 per hour to $10.00 per hour, never even made it out of committee.

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That news hit Louisiana's lower level workforce like a brick and many will continue to look for alternate ways to make ends meet financially as they struggle well below the poverty level.

That said, some are looking to improve their financial outlook by applying for better paying careers, but the question remains about which of these are actually "good" places to work.


Most of us have developed our own "gut" sense or some type of system of "red flags" that a particular place might be our best choice, but there are also signs that we should watch for that would indicate this position or company is exactly the one we're looking for.

Watch For "Green Flags" That Could Indicate This Is The Job For You

To aid this effort, the website, Buzzfeed, asked their audience to  share some "Green Flags" they had spotted in job interviews that were positive indicators that this was a good place to work.

Some of the responses were easily recognizable, but a few were more subliminal and required a little more insight to see their merits.


These responses were definitely worth watching for and could indicate that this is the job for you!

One of those was "low turnover rate." When hearing this, we need to understand that this is probably a great place to work as it shows employee satisfaction. When someone comes to work here, they tend to stay.

What's The Overall Attitude Of The Employees Already Working There?

As you enter the workplace if you see employees talking or laughing, it indicates a good, overall employee morale and a fun environment.

You might also want to inquire about how the position became available. If it's due to a promotion instead of a termination, that's a great sign.

Spencer Platt/Getty Images
Spencer Platt/Getty Images

If the interviewer lists opportunities for advancement and pay raises, you'll know this isn't a dead end.

If no one is wearing a suit and most are dressed casually, or you see employees taking breaks, this lends itself to being a more relaxed environment.

If the receptionist is friendly, immediately take note they must enjoy their job and it's likely you would too.

David McNew/Getty Images
David McNew/Getty Images

Some other indicators include being told by the interviewer that it's okay to make mistakes or if the interviewer is willing to tell you the worst part of the job they must be confident that the positives of the position far outweigh its negatives.

One other thing to look for would be if the interview process includes a test or exercise to check your abilities. This is good in that if the job is right for you, your test score will reflect it. If not, you probably won't score very well.

Take a look at the complete list of responses at

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Teens looking for summer employment are often stumped on what "kind" of job they would like or fit their skillset. Some might have never even considered all the options available to them. We've put together a list they might want to consider as they head out on their search.

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