It’s been well over a year since TNT’s M. Night Shyamalan reboot of Tales From the Crypt was announced; since running afoul of some legal challenges. Some internal teasers peaked our interest, but according to TNT boss Kevin Reilly, “I’m not waiting around four years for this thing.”
It’s oft been said of erstwhile breakout director M. Night Shyamalan that the filmmaker had run out of ideas, but his new TNT Tales From the Crypt may never have that problem. The new series has partnered with Wattpad to crowdsource stories and horror trends, even recruiting writers directly to work on the series.
We first learned back in January that TNT had in mind to resurrect the classic Tales From the Crypt with M. Night Shyamalan curating new horror stories, though details were few and far between. Now, the Sixth Sense director at least confirms that the classic “Crypt Keeper” character will return, though perhaps not as we remember.