Cast your vote now for the Louisiana State Police submission in the "Best Looking Cruiser Contest". The photo features a great Louisiana location as its backdrop.
Monday morning travelers hoping to make an airport connection out of Louisiana were stymied when a suspicious package investigation shut down the airport.
The woman was killed while she was riding on a side-by-side near Arnaudville. The UTV was hit by a driver whose breathalyzer test indicated he was well over Louisiana's legal limit.
Following a standoff that occurred outside the McDonald’s on Louisiana Avenue near I-10 in Lafayette, the driver of the vehicle involved is in critical condition.
A Louisiana bill allowing Constitutional carry or carrying a concealed gun without a permit has been approved, but there are 12 places you cannot legally carry.
About 17 Louisiana Wildlife Agents went to assist at New Orleans Mardi Gras and captured a gigantic 14.5 foot snake and other illegal animals in two days.