Louisiana Food

Lafayette Restaurants That Are Always Worth The Wait
Lafayette Restaurants That Are Always Worth The Wait
Lafayette Restaurants That Are Always Worth The Wait
Lafayette is home to hundreds of restaurants that range from traditional Cajun and Creole cuisine to Mexican and Lebanese. Chances are if you are craving it there is a place in town that serves it. Even though we have countless restaurants there are several that no matter when you go, will always have a wait. Here are the 7 Lafayette restaurants that are always worth the wait according to our listeners.
Does This Louisiana Coffee Brand Deserve The Title of 'The Worst'
Does This Louisiana Coffee Brand Deserve The Title of 'The Worst'
Does This Louisiana Coffee Brand Deserve The Title of 'The Worst'
The financial news and opinion company created a list of 'The Worst Coffee Brands to Avoid,' and the New Orleans-based coffee company Folgers was found at the top of this list, crowning it the worst coffee brand. So why does 24/7 Wallstreet think Folgers is the worst?
7 Gas Station Snacks You Should Skip on Your Next Road Trip
7 Gas Station Snacks You Should Skip on Your Next Road Trip
7 Gas Station Snacks You Should Skip on Your Next Road Trip
The temptation to buy a snack at the gas station every time you stop to fill up or run in to use the restroom can be hard to ignore. Do yourself a favor and avoid snagging more than one of these gas station snacks that are considered the 'Most Unhealthy' by Matrix.

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