Shreveport Neighborhood Tops the List of the Poorest Zip Codes in Louisiana
I ran across a report the other day listing the richest zip codes in Louisiana. a few local neighborhoods made the list. But this report on also had a link to the poorest zip codes in the state.
At the top of this list is a zip code from Shreveport. That really surprised me. 71103 which covers much of Queensborough just west of downtown Shreveport, comes in at the top of the list with an average household income of just over $22,000 a year. Just under 3 thousand residents from this zip code filed income tax returns.
But this is not the only local neighborhood on the list. The Mooretown area in 71109 is #4 on the list. The average income in this area is just below $25,000 a year and about 9100 people filed income tax returns.
And we have another neighborhood in the top 5 with 71108 of Caddo Heights checking in at #5. The average income is just above $25,000 dollars. About 8500 residents filed income tax returns from this area.
Rodessa in North Caddo parish shows up at #24 on the list with an average income of just over $34,000 dollars. 240 tax returns were filed from the 71069 zip code.
The 71110 zip code from Barksdale comes in at #35 on the list with an average income of $36,500 dollars. just over 1600 residents filed income tax returns from this zip code.