Looks like that if you get caught speeding with a child under the age of 15 in the car, your moving violation fine could be tripled!

A bill to increase moving violation fines when a child under the age of 15 is in the car is being debated in the House Transportation Committee today.

According to Louisiana Radio Network, the bill, authored by Baton Rouge Representative Paula Davis, was written after Davis' child was killed in a car accident.

“A group of constituents contacted me and said what can we do about this when kids are in the car and either unrestrained or parents are speeding,” Davis said.

Davis says that fines should be increased for people driving recklessly with children in the car, as children need to be protected because they are not in control.

“Whatever that fine is currently, right now for texting and driving, if a child is under the age of 15 in the car, then that fine will be tripled,” Davis said.

Davis hopes that if passed, this bill will help raise awareness for people driving with kids in the car.

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