A Eunice, Louisiana woman was arrested earlier this week after she counterfeited a death certificate for a stillborn child that was allegedly delivered.

According to St. Landry Parish Sheriff Bobby J. Guidroz, “On November 14, 2023, deputies with the St. Landry Parish Sheriff’s Office were dispatched to a local medical facility regarding a counterfeit death certificate for a stillborn child. Staff members stated that Kayley Vige had forged a fake death certificate for a baby that she allegedly delivered on November 3, 2023, and the physician’s signature on the certificate was forged.”

Here's how it unfolded

As part of their initial investigation, deputies said that Kayley Vige had an appointment at a local medical center in June 2023 where the physician is located. However, she has not been seen as a patient in the facility since that date.

Additionally, that medical center obtained a copy of the death certificate. The physician listed on the certificate said that he had never seen Kayley Vige as a patient.

The medical center then contacted the hospital listed on the death certificate and the hospital's legal team reviewed it and all statements made by staff. They advised the medical center to contact local law enforcement as they believed the death certificate to be counterfeit.

What the family had to say

Family members were questioned by deputies and it was learned that they believed Kayley was pregnant but were given very little information about her pregnancy other than ultrasound photos. They also believed Kayley suffered a miscarriage. The family also told authorities that she had a long history of mental health and often lied for attention.

Kayley Vige's boyfriend

When Kayley's boyfriend was questioned, it was learned that she called him for a ride home from the local hospital, where the unborn child had passed. Once they arrived home, she showed him a death certificate for their child, which was obtained on the date of the miscarriage but it showed no time stamp.

The boyfriend later went to the hospital but could not obtain any records because Kayley left the hospital against medical advice. When he asked her why she left, she said it was because she couldn't do the blood work.

When questioned by deputies, Kayley said she didn't create the document, nor did she present it to any medical facility or doctor. She also stated that she did contact the hospital to obtain a copy of her medical records and further denied ever seeing a death certificate. She did confess to creating counterfeit ultrasound photos and dated the photos on September 13, 2023.

Final conclusion from deputies

Deputies learned that death certificate templates are available for download from the internet. After searching internet "images", deputies were able to locate the exact death certificate that was provided, excluding the self-typed data. Deputies discovered that fields could easily be edited/filled in by the user, allowing a user to fill out the death certificate.

The arrest and charges

On November 14, 2023, Kayley Lynn Vige was transported to the St. Landry Parish Jail and charged with false preparation of death and spontaneous fetal death certificate (stillborn).

No bond has been set for Vige at this time.

Kayley Vige has neither confirmed nor denied that the pregnancy existed. Deputies are continuing to search for a motive as to why she staged a fake pregnancy.

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