WASH WHAT HAPPENS: 11 Bad Laundry Habits to Break Immediately
When it comes to laundry, everyone seems to have their own way of doing things. You've probably been doing yours the same way for years. Well, after seeing these simple hacks you may find that it's time to break some old habits and mix things up.

How much money do people spend on laundry?
Laundry costs can add up. According to the Folde, "the average American household spends at least $1,500 yearly on laundry – from washing machines to laundry detergent, bleach, and fabric softeners."
Detergent costs alone make up a pretty penny. The site explains that people spending $15 to $20 on detergent once or twice a month (doing 300-390 loads a year) are totaling $180-$600 a year. That's just on detergent. Think about all of the other places your money has to go.
Not only does laundry cost you money, it costs you time.
How much time do people spend doing laundry?
Gathering, organizing, washing, drying, folding...it all takes time. Time that we have to fit into our already busy lives. No wonder it can sit in hampers, or on beds and kitchen tables for days. Also, it's one thing to do your own laundry, but throw some kids into the mix and you're doing it all day.
A 2022 survey by The Bureau of Labor Statistics found that the average American spends 26 minutes per day doing laundry (17 minutes for women, 8 minutes for men.) Over the course of a month that's basically an entire day dedicated to the chore.
Well, we're about to make your laundry life a little easier. Prepare to have your dollars saved, your mind blown, and your jeans last forever with some of these simple laundry life hacks.
11 Bad Laundry Habits to Break Immediately
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