(Sevierville, Tennessee) - A Wild Story Involving A Service Duck, Its Owner And The Famous "Beaver" That Has Social Media Talking.

As we sit here in Texas, its been fun watching Buc-ee's expand all across the country and seeing the reaction from folks who make their first trip to the popular travel center.

But the first trip to Buc-ee's for one man and his service duck has become their LAST trip after the store did something they rarely do.

Meet Wrinkle The Duck And Its Owner performer Justin Wood.

Wrinkle The Duck is quite the popular character on social media and YouTube. Wrinkle has massed a huge social media presence with nearly 3 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS to his YouTube channel and he holds the Guinness World Record for the most Instagram followers for a duck with over 700,000 followers.

Wood and Wrinkle travel across the country stopping at different locales. The duo made a recent stop to the Sevierville, Tennessee, Buc-ee's location were they were met with questions from staff.

But after showing three forms of identification verifying Wrinkle's service animal status, they were allowed into the store but that would soon change.

A female employee told the two that since Wrinkle wasn't contained, the duck wouldn't be allowed in the store.

In the video above, after they interacted with guests and checked out Buc-ee's stuffed animals, a Buc-ee's employee asked if Wrinkle could be put on a leash. Wood put an "invisible" leash on the animal and let her walk around the store. This led to police being called to the store.

The two paid for a case of water and left the store but cops told Wood he would be banned from all Buc-ee's locations, gas pumps, and parking lots and the reason you ask?

Police said store employees caught Wrinkle biting a stuffed animal Wood considered buying. So besides 18-wheelers, a duck and a human are now banned from all Buc-ee's locations.

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