What Cars Get the Most Speeding Tickets in Louisiana?
SHREVEPORT, LA – How long has it been since you’ve gotten a speeding ticket in Louisiana? It’s been many years for me. But I’m sure I break the speeding laws on a daily basis. And I am not alone. I see folks flying every day, especially on I-20.
How Big Is the Speeding Problem?
I do see police running radar every now and then. They typically will set up a speed trap with about a dozen officers involved. Across the nation, almost 10 million Americans get pulled over for speeding every year. About 8.6 million speeding tickets are issued every year.
How Much Does a Speeding Ticket Cost?
If you get a speeding ticket, you can expect to pay a fine of about $125 dollars, but even higher if you really had the peddle to the metal. But that’s not the only cost. Forbes Advisor did a report on the insurance costs of a ticket. The data shows just one speeding ticket can mean a 24% increase in insurance costs. That averages about $400 more a year.

How Many Drivers Get Caught Speeding?
Across the country, more than 10% of all drivers have a speeding ticket currently on their driving record. By the way, the top state for getting a speeding ticket is Ohio according to RateGenius. More than 16% of drivers in Ohio have a speeding ticket on their record. But Insurify data says North Dakota residents get more tickets than drivers in any other state.
Insurify did a study of all these speeding tickets and identified the top 10 cars pulled over for speeding.