There are currently 307 inmates in the Nacogdoches County Jail. 21 are pretrial Class A and B Misdemeanor offenders.

This report focuses on the 208 pretrial felons (182 male and 26 female). There are 28 pretrial state jail felons and 51 in the "all other" category.

There have been 3,621 bookings in and out of the jail in 2024. The 15 pretrial and state jail felons pictured below were arrested from September 21st - 27th, 2024 in and near NacogdochesTexas.

Three Arrested Last Week In Nacogdoches For Cocaine

The Nacogdoches County Sheriff's Office (NCSO) doesn't just manage the jail. They also have a big part in keeping drugs and crime off the streets of the entire county and the City of Nacogdoches.

According to NCSO deputies pulled over two separate vehicles on two separate days, both with occupants from the Michigan area, and both with large similar quantities of cocaine.

The Smell Of Marijuana Leads To Large Cocaine Bust In Nacogdoches

During the first stop deputies smelled marijuana and the occupant admitted to having smoked it and having it in the vehicle. They then used that probable cause to initiate a search of the car.

Inside they found two plastic-wrapped bundles of powder that tested positive for cocaine with a combined weight of 5.2 lbs. Then on Tuesday morning in the same part of the loop, the same thing happened again.

This time there were also two packages, but with a combined weight of 4.7 lbs. One might conclude that Nacogdoches is a hot spot for drugs coming into the country and going to all points North.

Over 10lbs Of Cocaine Seized From 2 Traffic Stops On The Loop In Nacogdoches

Desean Hyken Lee Williams, 33 of Flint, Michigan, was the first arrested. The second stop involved Quinntez Maurice Banks, 33, and Sasithorn Boohom, 25, both from suburbs of Detroit.


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All three were charged with first-degree felony drug possession (F1).

Read More: High-Speed Chase In Nacogdoches County Starts In School Zone

Felony Arrests In Nacogdoches County Sept 21 - 27, 2024

These felony arrests happened in Nacogdoches County from September 21st - 27th, 2024. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty. Source: Nacogdoches County Sheriff's Office

Gallery Credit: Dan Patrick

Felony Arrests In Nacogdoches County Sept 14 - 20 2024

These felony arrests happened in Nacogdoches County from September 14th - 20th, 2024. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty. Source: Nacogdoches County Sheriff's Office

Gallery Credit: Dan Patrick

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