The Top 10 Bad East Texas Parking Lots That Are Almost Impossible to Get Out Of
Oh, East Texas, how I love you. From the people, the weather, to the pine trees, there are so many things to love. But not the parking jobs. Seriously, some of y'all ought to be really embarrassed how you're parking.
But we've gotta go out, right? Head to Shogun for a delicious hibachi dinner, boom, you don't actually know for sure if you'll make it out of the parking lot alive -- but it's a risk we take cause the food is damn good and the chefs' antics make us laugh regardless of how many fried shrimp we take to the eye.
This got us thinking, what are the craziest, busiest, hardest to park-in parking lots in East Texas? The ones that are nearly impossible to get out of once you're in.
We asked, and boy did you guys answer. We got dozens of answers from parallel parking deniers all across East Texas. Longview to Lindale, Tyler to Marshall, one thing was evident: wherever there are people, there are even harder to maneuver parking lots.
And guys, this certainly doesn't mean the business is bad.
In fact, it's usually the contrary. I'll park blocks away from Stanley's and brave being run over by an ambulance on Beckham for a Mother Clucker Cadillac Style, all while wondering how in the hell did this wild-ass intersection even come into existence? Then go back the next day and do it all over again.
So here it is from restaurants to stores, old town squares to new town plazas, here are The Top 10 Bad East Texas Parking Lots That Are Almost Impossible to Get Out Of, all bases on your responses.