In the world we live in today, there are entirely too many options available for a person to be caught driving while impaired.

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According to, there are no less than 12 great ideas to avoid drinking and driving.  Among those twelve are:

  • There are no exceptions to the rule: If you’ve been drinking, do not drive.

  • Never ride in a car with a driver you suspect is under the influence of alcohol. Even one drink can impair your safety.

  • Designate a sober driver to be the “designated driver” before celebrations begin. Never put yourself in a position where you might drink and drive. Utilize public transportation, taxis, or Uber. Anticipate staying with friends, in a hotel or walking home after drinking. It's especially important for teenagers to have a safe person to call in an emergency.


Keeping these suggestions in mind will certainly prove invaluable this weekend as the Bossier Sheriff’s Office has announced they'll conduct a sobriety checkpoint this Saturday evening, September 21st.

The checkpoint will begin at 8:00 pm and continue to run until sometime early Sunday morning at an undisclosed location in Bossier Parish.


The goal of the checkpoint is to identify and remove impaired drivers from the road before they cause serious injury or death to themselves or others, and to increase public awareness of the seriousness of driving while impaired.

The sobriety checkpoint is being conducted as part of a grant awarded to the Bossier Sheriff’s Office from the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission for DWI Enforcement.

Drunk Driving
aijohn784, ThinkStock

Motorists are encouraged to report impaired drivers to law enforcement at any time in support of “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over.” The Bossier Sheriff's Office can be reached 24 hours a day at 318-965-2203.

Things Louisiana Drivers Hate Most About Other Drivers

In Louisiana the roads are already bad enough. We don't need other drivers adding to our "road rage" potential. Just don't do these things and you'll stay off our "list". It's the biggest pet peeves of drivers in the whole state.

Gallery Credit: Gary McCoy