
Louisiana Shoppers—Be On The Lookout For This Gift Card Scam
Louisiana Shoppers—Be On The Lookout For This Gift Card Scam
Louisiana Shoppers—Be On The Lookout For This Gift Card Scam
In the video, a police officer explains that folks are stealing prepaid gift cards from stores and then returning them to the shelves after tampering with them. They carefully open the card packages without leaving any marks. They cut off a part of the card that swipes, seal it back up, and put it back on the store shelf.
What to Buy That Person From Louisiana Who Doesn’t Want Anything
What to Buy That Person From Louisiana Who Doesn’t Want Anything
What to Buy That Person From Louisiana Who Doesn’t Want Anything
Every holiday season, there's always that one person who insists they don't want anything for Christmas. They have probably told you that they don't need anything and to not spend your hard-earned money on them. If you are anything like me, you enjoy the act of giving and put a lot of thought into making sure the gift is something they would actually enjoy.
How to Order The Holiday Starbucks Drinks on a Fitness Journey
How to Order The Holiday Starbucks Drinks on a Fitness Journey
How to Order The Holiday Starbucks Drinks on a Fitness Journey
Our holiday season is unlike any other because it starts in October with Halloween and doesn't wrap up until after Mardi Gras in February or March depending on where it falls that year. So while everyone else is starting their New Year's resolutions we are still indulging in all things sugar and fried. This means being tempted by unhealthy desserts, drinks, and meals is unavoidable for almost half the year
How You Can Get Paid to Watch Christmas Movies
How You Can Get Paid to Watch Christmas Movies
How You Can Get Paid to Watch Christmas Movies
Do you have a deep love for holiday movies and enjoy snuggling up with timeless classics during the festive season? Well, here's your chance to turn your favorite pastime into a side hustle. is on the lookout for our next "Chief of Cheer," and the good news is, it pays $2,500 just for indulging in the joy of holiday movies.
Don't Throw Away Your Burnt Christmas Lights Until You Try This
Don't Throw Away Your Burnt Christmas Lights Until You Try This
Don't Throw Away Your Burnt Christmas Lights Until You Try This
We have officially entered the holiday season and you be ready to start putting up your Christmas lights and decorations. You may come across a string of lights that appears to be burnt out and decide to throw them away and replace the burnt lights with new ones. What most people don't know is there is a viral Tiktok hack showing how to save those lights with a couple of simple steps

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