Caddo Parish Schools Say Phase 3 Change Won’t Impact Current Schedule

Today Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards announced the state will be moving to Phase 3 of the COVID reopening process tomorrow (Friday 9/11). Though the details of what Phase 3 will look like were not made clear right away, many have already started preparations, including Bossier Parish Schools.
As Bossier Parish Schools made their announcement, many locally turned their attention to Caddo Parish Schools to see what they would do.
This afternoon Caddo Parish Schools released a statement on their immediate instructional plans in response to the Governor's Phase 3 announcement. Their release essentially says that the schools will not be making any changes at this time.
Here's what Caddo Parish Schools said through a statement this afternoon:
The Caddo Strong Start: Roadmap to Reopening plan released in July is an operational guide for the district in response to the coronavirus pandemic. The plan is compliant to phases set by the state and federal leaders. However, the Phase 3 guidance does not change the instructional models provided by Caddo Schools nor district requirements on travel and group gatherings.
Caddo’s schools will continue to operate with the current safety protocols and three models of virtual, hybrid, and traditional learning. At the end of September, district leaders will re-evaluate instructional models to determine if any changes can be made while maintaining all safety protocols, best practices, and ensuring the safety of our staff and students.
Regardless of the instruction model that may be required to provide students access to schoolwork, Caddo is proud to serve the community and stands ready to lead our stakeholders through a successful school year.
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