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In separate resolutions today, both Caddo and Bossier Parishes are allowing bars to increase their capacity to 50% occupancy. This is a move that many local businesses and their patrons are sure to appreciate.

As per Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards' executive order March 2nd, 2021, moving us into modified Phase 3 COVID-19 restrictions, in parishes with a positivity rate of 5% or less of the population for two consecutive weeks, bars can now operate at 50% capacity or no more than 250 people as determined by the State Fire Marshal. However, don't expect to be staying out until 6 am in the downtown Shreveport watering holes because the 11 pm curfew remains in effect. Don't forget about that pesky mask mandate either, because if positivity rates rise about 5%, it's back to 25% capacity limits we go. And in the immortal words of Kimberly 'Sweet Brown' Wilkins, 'Ain't nobody got time for that!'

In a statement released today about the new resolution, Caddo Parish Commission President Lyndon B. Johnson (no, not that LBJ!) said, 'We know that the COVID-19 pandemic has been hard on businesses, and bars have taken a significant hit in the effort to keep citizens safe. While we are not out of the woods, Caddo Parish continues to see a decrease in COVID infections and a decrease in the positivity rate, and so we want to do what we can to help businesses safely re-open and provide quality of life.'

We'll drink to that. Salut!


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