Bossier City Wins People’s Choice Award for Newly Painted Water Tower

Bossier City's newly repainted water tower won a national people's choice award thanks to Tnemec Company, Inc.! City officials would like to thank everyone who took the time to vote and/or shared the link. However, the over all award is still up for grabs!
But even if Bossier City's new water tower isn't named the over all 2020 'Tank of the Year,' it's created a lot of civic pride for residents. While I'm a Bossier Parish resident, not an official Bossier City girl, I have personally enjoyed driving by the water tower alongside I-220 near Shed Road this summer and seeing the project progress. The design is perfect for a town that's home to Barksdale Air Force Base. Check out the view of the top of the tower courtesy of the City of Bossier City featuring the iconic B-52 Bomber.
So, if you're like me, and seeing the patriotic design on Bossier's new water tower gives you a dose of pride for your hometown, keep an eye on our website because the overall Tank of the Year winner will be announced on October 23, 2020. The winner and eleven runners up will be featured in Tnemec's annual water tank calendar. Find out more about the contest in their promotional video included below. I'd love to see Bossier City come out on top in this! I think the more we can shine a light on the positives in our area, the more likely people will be to create more 'positives!'
Read More: The 12 Best Reasons To Live In Bossier Parish
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