New ‘Baywatch’ Posters Take a Cue from ‘Game of Thrones,’ Assure Us ‘Summer Is Coming’
Much like the warmer seasons, that Baywatch movie continues to come at us right on schedule. A new series of character posters copies one very well-known Game of Thrones phrase almost verbatim, but tweaks it juuust a little bit. Dwayne Johnson and his lifeguard crew are here to assure us that “summer is coming,” and Baywatch is coming right along with it.
In these posters, courtesy of Entertainment Weekly, we have Johnson as Mitch Buchannon, Matt Brody (Zac Efron), Summer Quinn (Alexandria Daddario), C.J. Parker (Kelly Rohrbach), Ronnie (Jon Bass), Stephanie Holden (Ilfenesh Hadera), Victoria Leeds (Priyanka Chopra), who is apparently a villain! You can tell because she’s the only one glammed up in a gown and heels and not wearing a bathing suit. Only the nefarious disdain having fun at the beach.
Here’s the official synopsis:
BAYWATCH follows devoted lifeguard Mitch Buchannon (Johnson) as he butts heads with a brash new recruit (Efron). Together, they uncover a local criminal plot that threatens the future of the Bay.
Man, lifeguards making friends and fighting crime? What more could you ask for? I can’t wait to find out how they make a buddy cop movie on the beach, but I’m certainly interested enough to go watch it.
Baywatch hits theaters May 26.
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